
How to download and listen to the audioguides

The audioguides, in MP3 audio format, and absolutely free of charge, are easily downloaded and are then ready for you to listen to them on a computer, MP3 player, IPod, mobile phone or any other device that recognizes and accepts downloads of our audioguide formats.

To download and listen to an audioguide:

- Select the audio guide that interests you (MP3 file)
- Save the chosen audio guide on your computer
- Listen to the audioguide on your computer or upload it onto a multi-media player to listen to it

Should you prefer to download a single ZIP file containing all the audioguides in MP3 format:

- Download the ZIP file onto your computer 
- Extract the content of the file
- Select and listen to the audioguide on your computer
- Upload the audioguide onto an MP3 player